Call Shannon to set up a custom schedule of sessions.
If you have suffered from a concussion, TBI or stroke at any time in your life, you may have muscular and ocular issues. Brandon will do a muscular and ocular screen to determine if muscle restoration can help.
We also offer Irlen Screenings.
Irlen syndrome is a visual processing disorder than can occur post concussion.
An Irlen screening is approximately 1 hour and $150.
Irlen Screenings
Irlen syndrome is a visual processing disorder. Irlen syndome can be associated with reading problems, headache, light sensitive autism adhd learning disability depth perseption fatigue and more. To learn more and take a free screening go to irlen.com
An Irlen screening is approximately 1 hour and $150.
Pregnancy Services
Pregnancy Preparedness
Post Pregnancy Maintenance
Post Pregnancy Restoration
“Everyone is top quality at AMR.
I have been a client there for a few years and they are so caring, so professional and so adept at working with the body. It is a treasure to have found them. Since working with Brandon and Stephen I have found my body integrating and strengthening. I am someone who suffered from chronic illness and I had a lot of inflammation in my tissues. Working with other types of trainers and professionals often left my body stressed and my nervous system dysregulated. AMR is a place that treats your being and body with kindness, intelligence and powerful tools.”