about our clients
We work with a wide variety of clients. Our current clients range from ages 12-92 and include entrepreneurs, CEOs, physicians, musicians, surgeons, veterinarians, attorneys, dentists, corporate executives, hair stylists, busy moms and dads, small business owners, dancers, performance artists, artists, retirees, and athletes participating in high school, college, recreational and professional sports.
With over 40 years of combined expertise working with clients, countless certifications, and 3 mastery certifications, we have the expertise and experience necessary to help each client get exceptional results.
The Most Common Reasons Clients Contact Us
* Catastrophic or complicated injury
* Nagging pain
* Plantar Fasciitis
* Back or Neck Pain
* Scoliosis
* Frozen shoulder
*Shoulder impingement
* Sciatica or Piriformis Syndrome
*Muscle “Knots”
* Lupus
* Fibromyalgia
* MS
* Stroke
* TBI or Concussion
* Knee or Hip Replacement
* Parkinson's
*Muscle Weakness
*Carpal Tunnel/Hand or Wrist Pain
*Sports Injury Rehab and Prevention
* Chronic inflammatory conditions
* Ongoing pain or movement limits
* Unresolved past injury
* Antibiotic, Vaccine & Drug Reaction
*Lyme Disease
* Ehlers-Danlos (EDS)
* Migraine
* Hypermobility
* Traumatic Injury
* Neck Pain
* Hip Pain
* ACL Tear
* Degenerative Disk Conditions
* Autoimmune Disease
* Surgical Injury
* Aches and Pains due to Pregnancy
* Sports Overuse & Repetitive Strain
*Muscle Atrophy
*Sports Performance
* Structural issues
* Are scared to death that their muscle and joint based problems will never resolve and will continue to limit them from participating in the movement based hobbies they love, or prevent them from living a "normal" life.
* Are looking for a service that is not painful, and actually works!
*Are tired of being dismissed because they are complicated and/or are tired of false promises.
*Have acute, chronic or reoccurring issues or injuries and need novel solutions for the restoration of their muscular system health.
* Want to slow down the effects that the aging process has on muscle health or maintain bone density.
*Have chronic illness that creates problems with coordination, mobility, control, stability, hyper mobility, balance, posture, weakness, chronic pain and/or fatigue.
* Are intimidated by commercial gyms and trainers and want a non-judgmental #noshame trainer and accepting private space to exercise, regardless of their limitations, fitness level, or body weight.
* Are seeking a trainer to help them workout without fear of injury, a trainer interested in custom designing a program to help you meet your goals instead of forcing the latest risky or ridiculous trend on you.
*Have difficulty performing everyday tasks in their critical life and work roles, for example, standing or sitting for work, using a keyboard, lifting or carrying their child, or any other daily tasks.
*Desire to gain strength, endurance, mobility, control, stability, improved posture, balance, improved pelvic floor functioning.
* Have been frustrated by not being able to find a resolution to their muscle and joint based problems and have tried "everything out there" or have "seen tons of people and nothing helped."
* Are involved in athletic endeavors and want to improve performance, recover from nagging injuries, or prevent the occurrence of future injuries.
* Are suffering from the effects that autoimmune disease or chronic illness create in the muscular system, such as chronic joint pain, hyper mobility, chronic muscle pain, and chronic fatigue.
* Want to explore exercise in a safe and effective way, dosed appropriately to their thresholds.
* Are interested in having an advocate to be there for them as their long term muscle specialist.
* Suffer from conditions including plantar fasciitis, back pain, scoliosis, frozen shoulder, sciatica, piriformis syndrome, chronic and recent injury, and autoimmune conditions.
* Want to avoid surgery if at all possible. Or want to recover from recent or past surgery.
*Want to get prepared for a healthy pregnancy, want help with comfort during pregnancy, and/or want to recover from pregnancy.
* Have suffered a concussion, stroke or TBI.
*Want to restore their core and pelvic floor with non-invasive techniques.
*Need diaphragm, ocular, or jaw muscle restoration.
*Are athletes and biohackers who want optimal function and performance.
We listen to our clients. We hear what they have to say. We know their hopes. Our deepest desire is to help our clients reach their goals.
We don't use cookie cutter templates or one size fits all paradigms. We use muscle modalities to custom create muscle restoration and exercise plans specific to each client's goals.
Here is what some of our clients who have had
great success with our system wanted when they contacted us:
"To get my life back."
"To realize meaningful progress after decades of dysfunction."
"To understand why my body failed me, why I have chronic pain, why can't I do the things I love."
"For someone to connect the pieces so I can continue moving, using my hands and shoulders, and be creative."
"Help identifying specific exercise to help me continue to move without having to think about it - to just enjoy exercise again."
"To take a trip with my husband to live my life without limitations or muscular pain which would be incredibly valuable to me."
"To regain function so I can take care of my kids."
"To not feel like I'm 80 years old when I'm only in my 30's."
"To avoid future disability."
"To stay stable and functional during my next pregnancy."
"To prepare for a healthy pregnancy."
"For the 'electric shocks' in my back to go away for good."
"For someone to be on my side. To understand my body. To help me use my body as much as I want without limits."
"To not have to learn to live with chronic discomfort and pain."
"To get concrete answers to why no one can help my plantar fasciitis."
"To learn if I can come back from a severe injury - to move normally again after a traumatic brain injury. To find a way to resolve my vertigo. "
"To build muscle and get stronger as an athlete."
"To become a pro athlete. To build stamina, strength, agility, and speed."
"To reduce pain from a pinched nerve that affects my shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hips and neck. I want to enjoy hiking again."
"I want to gain strength without injury."
“I want to exercise after cancer treatment without feeling ashamed of my low thresholds.”
“I want to workout without getting hurt or feeling pressure to do something my body won’t like.”
"I want to be pain free to participate in activities without guarding my joints."
"I'm always trying to troubleshoot my pain to exercise and I always end up injured."
"I want to recover from pain and limited motion to gain higher levels of fitness, restore mobility, and eliminate pain."
"I want a stronger body to reduce debilitating pain which causes emotional and physical stress and fatigue."
"I want to feel more confidence and independence so I can do what I want to do in the world without the frustration of chronic pain and modalities that are not helping.”
"I want to get fit while preventing future injuries."
"I want to avoid hip and knew replacements. I want to walk without assistance and do more for myself. I want to normal life. I want to be like I used to be."
"I want my self-confidence back.”
"I want to fight the clock.”
"I want to reverse discomfort, weakness, and increase coordination. Moving is my life. I want to move with less weakness and I want hope for the future without disability.
"I fear a won't be able to work again. I want to improve strength and endurance in my hands. I want mobility and stability. How can I take care of myself? I want to avoid permanent damage and not get stuck with disability."
"I want to move well, to be toned and flexible, to live fully and be radiant from the inside out, to be active, grounded, empowered and to have an abundance of energy and confidence."
"I need a miracle breakthrough. I want to take my fantasy to reality of living a life with a stable solid foundation of physical integrity so I can interact and move with a new level of confidence and focus. I want to increase my self trust and self respect, to take empowered risks, to have authentic presence, to have my body attuned to greater wisdom and clarity."
"I want the burning to stop. I want to sleep without pain interfering. I want to travel and fish."
"I want to feel free and light, happier and more pleasant, more focused on my family and school and important things."
"I want to keep coming for tune-ups so I can keep moving and remain pain free into my 70's and beyond."

“Brandon O'Connor is the best trainer there is anywhere.
I am 73 and have been his client for the past eleven years and hope to be his client for many, many more years. My quality of life and physical condition are excellent thanks to Brandon. He is highly knowledgeable , well trained and very attentive. My training sessions with him are the high point of my week. I highly recommend him.”